Presented by Mina Markham
SMACSS is not a framework. It’s an approach to authoring your style sheets. You can use
– base,
– layout, modules, states and themes
base styles are bare minimum (css reset)
layout styles are the grid system and any defining elements of your site (header/nav/etc)
modules is where you write the bulk of the css. components of pages
states are the active, collapsed, hidden or other states of your modules. You can use a separate naming convention for these
themes don’t always apply, but a theme can be a new skin for modules
base uses standard tags
layout can use a .layout prefix for your styles
modules use the name of the module
state styles can use a .is- prefix
theme can use .theme- prefix
Depth of Applicability – selector from hell
When you deeply nest a selector, you increase the chance that the selector will break if the css changes. Adding a selector with a prefix helps avoid nesting. .nav-subitem a
Use naming conventions, class selectors and don’t nest more than one child deep.
Add some Sass
Uses the &- or &_ to prefix names
nesting – The Inception Rule [don’t go more than 3 levels deep]
@extend the main module, which means you don’t have to add both classes in the html.
instead of
%btn allows you to use a placeholder selector that won’t actually be included in the css if you are always going to extend the class
Sass allows you to break down css into utility states and import them into the main style sheet (including third-party css from frameworks, font libraries, etc.) Then you import all of the pieces
1. Utilities
2. Libraries
!important – shame.css (anything that is a hack can go into shame.css so that you can come back and fix them later. With Sass, you can import it at the end using _shame.scss.
@mixin theme($name) {
instead of using separate naming for theming….
It also outputs all the base styles, instead of just the theme styles.
refactor things – don’t revamp everything
Before: 161 lines of css
After: 97 lines of css
Recap & resources
namespace with ampersands & extends
- Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS –
Presentation slides:
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