I was glad to see that my Chromecast device arrived today. After waiting a few weeks for them to be in stock, mine has finally arrived. I’ll go into the details of what’s included in the package and how to set it up in another post, but first I want to share some information that it took me a while to figure out to get it up and running. After I had set up my device and the app on my phone, I wanted to set it up in Chrome so that I could cast from my computer, as well. I went to the Chrome Web Store to look for the Chromecast app, but when I typed Chromecast in the search bar, there were no results found. I searched through Google help and kept getting sent to the setup page, which I didn’t need because I had already set up the device with my phone.
Posting From WordPress to Google+

A cool thing, though, is that if you use the Google+ badge on your site, you can +1 your post (which you should do anyway for all of your posts, right?) which then allows you to share the post on your wall. It’s an extra step, but it makes it easy for you to easily share your latest post on your Google+ page.