I’m Jonathan Jeter. I’m just a lucky guy with a great family and a job I love. I’ve been designing and developing web sites since 1997 and love it.
This is my little space on the Web where I can share my thoughts on stuff I like. I hope it is useful to you or at least mildly entertaining.
Here is a little bit about me, in case you’re interested. I grew up in Madrid, Spain, for the most part and in Waxahachie, Texas. The two are about as different as two cities can be. Madrid is a bustling metropolitan city in Southern Europe and Waxahachie is a rural city/town just outside of the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex. I have also lived in Fort Worth, which is a good compromise between the two. Growing up in Spain allowed me to experience a variety of cultures and learn that different cultures and subcultures behave in certain ways that may seem strange to others, but if you try to understand where they’re coming from, you can usually come away with a better perspective on life and human nature. It has served me well as I have later in life been able to experience the same type of perspective when dealing with the many subcultures of the rural South and metropolitan Texas, as well as cultural perspectives in small businesses and large corporations.
I am fluent in Spanish, although I have to admit, I speak Castillian Spanish, which to a Latin American Speaker can sound like British English would sound to an American. I have a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education from Southwestern A/G University and was a high school Spanish teacher for five years, until I found what I really wanted to do with my life, which was create high quality, usable web sites that helped people find what they are looking for.
That has led me down the path of Web development, dabbling in back-end web site programming in ASP classic and php, but focusing and honing my skills on the presentation layer via front-end programming in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as UI design and research. I work in a great marketing organization that allows me to learn and grow and acquire new skills in areas such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media. I take pride in my work and love to expand my knowledge of all things Web, while continuing to create innovative solutions for desktop and mobile web sites using clean, compliant code. These are exciting days for Web developers, as browsers are finally catching up with standards and it is much easier to create great sites that look good and work well across browsers. With the advent of HTML5 and JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and YUI, great user interaction on web sites is no longer an unattainable goal. Did I mention that I love my job?
Want to get in touch with me?