by Estelle Weyl at HTML5 Texas Conference in Austin, TX (Deck)
It may feel like the HTML5, CSS3 and ECMAScript specifications are moving along at a snails pace, but browser capabilities are moving quickly, and it is difficult to keep up with all the new feature support. In this session we’ll cover some brand spanking new and older but unknown features that make debugging, designing and developing more fun.
1. $(‘selector’) without jQuery
- Supported since IE8
- You can access DOM elements with standard css selectors
2. Everything is Editable
- Everything can be updated
- Can even paste!
- Updates the DOM
- Turn anything into a form element
- Supported since IE5
3. Can store lots of data
- LocalStorage
- SessionStorage
- WebSQL (deprecated but available in webkit)
- IndexedDB (new standard, but not supported in any browser)
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