UIE Web App Master’s Tour – Seattle, Washington – May 24, 2011
Convincing Clients to Care

Prediction in 2009 that smartphones would outsell PCs in 2012, it happened in 2010.
Home usage of PC since 2008 has decreased 20%
November 2010 – visits to web-based email sites decreased 7% and people accessing email on mobile devices increased 36%
Twitter – 40% of all tweets are sent via mobile; 16% of new users start on mobile. Top 2 Twitter mobile clients – twitter.com, m.twitter.com, sms
Facebook – 33% of users use mobile via Facebook mobile website, and clients on phones
Mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access devices worldwide by 2013
Shift from what was the personal computer (PC) to what is the personal computer (smart phone).
Capabilities & Constraints
Location Systems: GPS, WiFi, Cell Tower Triangulation