A couple of teenage high school students from Toronto have launched a Lego man into space. No, really, they have! Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad, 17 year-old classmates, launched a lego minifigure holding a Canadian flag using a weather balloon filled with helium and captured great video of the lego minifigure with a backdrop of the Earth. The “Lego Man in Space” has a YouTube video that has received over 2 million views, as well as his own Facebook page with more than 5,000 fans.
While some news outlets have claimed that this is the first lego man in space, according to Universe Today, several Lego toys are constantly flying even higher above the Earth at this very moment aboard the International Space Station as part of an educational outreach effort by NASA and Lego. And 3 more Lego figurines are speeding to Jupiter aboard NASA’s Juno orbiter.
What is amazing to me is that two teenagers were able to launch something into space with such limited resources, although a few have been quick to point out that this is the first and only successful effort to launch something into space by the Canadian space program. What is a little disconcerting is that with a small amount of time and resources, anyone can launch relatively anything into our atmosphere. Is that something we should be concerned about?
Related articles
- Toronto Teens Launch “Lego Man in Space” (universetoday.com)
- Lego Man In Space (presurfer.blogspot.com)
- Lego Man in Space Moves the Web (maboulette.wordpress.com)
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