UIE Web App Master’s Tour – Seattle, Washington – May 24, 2011
![Steve Portigal - Design Fieldwork - Uncovering Innovation From The Outside In Steve Portigal - Design Fieldwork - Uncovering Innovation From The Outside In](https://i0.wp.com/jonathanjeter.com/images/Steve-Portigal-Design-Fieldwork-Uncovering-Innovation-From-The-Outside-In-300x225.jpg?resize=300%2C225)
Main Topics
- How insights from users can impact our designs
- How to gather those insights
Be a methods-polygamist
Choose, mash-up or create methodology based on the problem, integrate (Triangulate) with other methods, Create a library of methods and artifacts (screeners, interview guides, stimulit, storyboards, etc.) You can even create new ones and make it up as you go.
Different methods work together.
Innovation means getting beyond pain points
Users may not actually know what is causing the problem.
Pain points may not really be that painful anyway
Satisficing (Herbert Simon – 1956) refers to our acceptance of good enough solutions.
Fieldwork leads to refined beliefs about customers
“You are not your user.” It’s good to realize that you are different than your users/clients, but it’s also necessary to realize similarities and commonality.