Presented by Julia Elman
The Past
- 1960: The Cultural Decade
- Kennedy “get to the moon” speech
- 1969 moon landing
- New found awareness (earth’s atmosphere, etc.)
- 1970 – EPA founded, Comprehensive clean air act, Earth Day founded
- 1971 – Doctors without borders
- 1972 – DDT was banned
- “We went to the moon, but discovered the Earth for the first time.”
The Present
MIT Technology Review – You promised me Mars colonies, instead I got Facebook. (Buzz Aldrin)
Why aren’t we solving global problems with technology any more? We tend to over-engineer solutions.
Malaria, Cancer, etc.
We can solve big problems with 3 things aligned.
- Our institution supports solutions
- We actually understand the problem
- Active political leader and public working together to solve the problem.
The Future
Education – Logo programming on Apple IIe