UIE Web App Master’s Tour – Seattle, Washington – May 23, 2011

Josh Clark, Author of TapWorthy
Mobile Apps
Mobile is growing quickly, with many platforms (many cultures)
App design needs to take mobile culture into accounts, how to develop for a iPhone user vs Android user, etc.
Blackberry still has 40% of the global enterprise
- Text-centric
- low browser activity (blackberry browser has sucked until recently, when they adopted webkit)
- how does your app fit into a text heavy culture
- active
- high browser activity
- spenders (big buyers – 70% of ebays mobile commerce is iPhone; eBay accounts for 25% of mobile commerce)
- older, wealthier
- according to OKCupid, iPhone users have more sex
- it’s about the technology
- it’s about tools and features
- customization
- cutting edge
- technically-proficient, customized